As we leave Torres Del Rio at sunrise, we hear the call of a cuckoo bird. I have never heard one in real life, only from a cuckoo clock and I have to say the clocks mimic the bird perfectly.
The first half of the morning is scenic with green pastures and mountains in the background. The path is lined with blood-red poppies. I wonder if the flowers were planted with purpose as they are often used to symbolize sleep, peace, and death. I think to myself of the opium aspect and think by mile 400 I may need it! 🙂
The only stop of midday is the small hilltop town of Viana. The Santa Maria church is impressive. The smell of incense and a lovely rendition of “Ave Maria” welcomes us.
The second half of the day is nothing to speak of, a lot of walking parallel to the road. After a little over twelve miles, we find ourselves in the city of Logrono. It’s one of the larger cities on the Camino, but not as populated as Pamplona or Leon.
The city is known for its tapas, but we decide to go for a full-fledged meal. Everyone agrees it’s one of our favorite meals so far.
“SHHHHH!” I hear, as I try to gather my things. I decide to just shove everything I have in my hands in my backpack. It is now a big messy heap instead of the organized chaos it has been since the beginning of our trip. We stayed in a hostel which is open to everyone, not just pilgrims. And they don’t appreciate us scuffling around before dawn.
The streets are quiet and we see some camino-related artwork. The mural painted on the side of the building below shows a man with similar stamps we’ve been collecting day after day. It’s an encouraging sight to see as we begin another day.
We walk about eleven miles to a small town, Ventosa, a little off the main route.
We are staying at the albergue San Saturnino. We are ushered in and offered a glass of water.
Have I mentioned how the albergues are? When we check in, we are normally asked to take our shoes off and place them on a rack. And to put any walking sticks we are carrying in a big bin.
We are shown our bunks for the night, shower and relax before dinner. I even sneak in a short nap this afternoon.
Think in the morning. Act in the noon. Eat in the evening. Sleep in the night.
~William Blake
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